The Niō has several settings allowing it to be used optimally in different environments. Choosing the tab Niō and Settings, the sector (a sector is just a group of companies), the company, and the Niō itself brings up a screen with a recent view from the Niō, and a menu with Settings at the bottom (the one with a gear icon). Note that this menu provides the same abilities as does the live view.
Tapping this Settings gives an overview of the different aspects that can be customized - the light, sound, detection parameters, the schedule, and the network. If an SD card has been installed, its remaining capacity is shown here.
Behaviors are an advanced aspect, not covered here. Nor do we discuss changing the network, which is a straightforward way to update the WiFi or Ethernet that the Niō is connected to.
The Niō has four panels, with independent controls for the top two and the bottom two. In areas where there is other lighting, with its induced glare, turning one set off could help the image. In other areas, one or other layer might be redundant. Both the intensity of the lights and its color are adjustable to suit the surrounding environment (sometimes there are regulations around the color).
The Niō can record in both HD and 4K. HD resolution is sufficient for almost all deployments; if you are using 4K however, it is important to ensure that your network can support it. In areas of high contrast, turning on HDR will result in better videos. Night vision is suitable only when the Niō lighting itself will not be turned on (for e.g. for regulatory reasons); we recommend using the Niō’s lights whenever possible.
The Niō uses both infrared motion sensing PIRs and detection algorithms using computer vision and AI. The sensitivity of the PIR can be adjusted here (we recommend starting at the default value, and consulting with your friendly iDter representative to make any adjustments for your specific deployment).
A key aspect of detection is the ability to specify areas of interest independently for people and vehicles. By tapping on the appropriate button, you can adjust the area of interest. The area does not need to be contiguous. It is useful to eliminate areas such as nearby freeways, trees and bushes, etc. so that the system’s detection is better tuned for areas where intrusions are more likely to occur.
There are two independent schedules - one for the lights, and the other for deterrence behaviors.
Tapping on the screen enables setting up schedules independently for the lights and deterrence. Schedules are set by marking the times at which these are turned on or off, and by specifying days with overrides.
When you choose one of these actions, a pop-up allows you to repeat the action on different days. |
Finally, you can override the schedule for specific days (such as holidays). It is easy to build up a schedule this way for a year in advance. |
Copying Schedules
Often, you might want several Niōs to have the same schedule, such as all those at a company. There are two ways to do this. You will notice in the Settings menu, (shown above) the option Apply Schedule to Other Niōs which lets you use this Niōs schedule on other Niōs you have access to. Alternatively, you can choose a set of Niōs from Nio and Settings → Sector → Company → Niōs and the Edit Nios option on top of the Settings menu (shown above), which allows you to apply the schedule to all those Niōs. Warning: the other choice here allows you to delete all those Niōs!
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