Version Information 2023_05:
- iOS App version 1.42.2 (available from the Apple App Store)
- Android version 1.42.2 (available from the Google Play Store)
- Niō Firmware version 1.5.16 (Automatic update for online devices)
- New User Type - Can now assign a user to be a ‘Sector Manager’, allowing the user to access all the ‘Companies’ setup under one sector. This is most useful in cases where you want one user to manage cameras across multiple sites, but you still need to limit access for some users to just one of the company sites. In ‘Users’ under Security Agency, add user, enter the user details (name, email address, optional phone number), and select the user type ‘Sector Manager’. Assign the user to the appropriate sector. User will now be able to view and access the cameras setup under all the Companies within their assigned Sector.
- Event Detection Settings - added the ability to select or deselect all rectangles in the Areas of Interest grids.
- Recordings Playback - Reduced the camera pre-roll from 24-seconds to 12-seconds.
You can read about more of our features on the iDter Support Center here.
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